At DuPont Elementary, we are committed to engaging every child every day!
All visitors and parent volunteers must be buzzed in at the front door,
and go into the main office to sign in and secure a visitor's badge.
Please note, the sign-in system requires a driver's license.
We greatly appreciate everyone's diligence in following this procedure and reminding each other as well.
Please check your email and texts/voicemail for up-to-date notifications from our School Messenger system regarding school closures or delays.
Morning drop-off begins at 7:45. All students are counted tardy after 8:15. Parents are required to walk your child into the building and sign them in if they are late to school. All students must be picked up by 3:30. Please limit all early dismissals to before 2:30 PM. The end of the school day is a very busy time and this will ensure attention and care to address your needs.

HCDE online bus stop locator link requires a street address, then select DuPont Elementary to view bus stop locations near your home. For information regarding bus routes, or to request a bus stop, please call the Transportation Hotline at (423) 498-7320.