Targeted Support & Improvement Designation 1.2.24

DuPont Elementary School

Tersheia Hayes, Principal

4134 Hixson Pike   Hixson, Tennessee 37415

Phone: (423) 870-0615     Fax: (423) 870-0631

December 19, 2023

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Each year the Tennessee Department of Education examines schools’ performance across several different indicators to provide an overall look at how schools are serving the needs of all students. The department of education included the following indicators in its analysis of school accountability:

· Student achievement from TCAP Spring testing for students in 3rd – 5th only

· Student growth from year to year on TCAP Spring Testing for students in 3rd – 5th only

· English learner proficiency exam (ELPA) – for K-5 students in ENL

· Chronic absenteeism (any student who has missed more than 18 days of school for the year - unexcused & excused)

More information on each of these indicators and the data used to define them can be found in the 2022-2023 Accountability Protocol. Under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the department is required to use the school accountability results to identify those schools with the lowest performance across student groups (e.g., individual racial/ethnic student groups, students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged, and English learners). These schools will receive additional supports from the department.

We are writing to inform you that DuPont is identified for Targeted Support and Improvement as required by ESSA and the U.S. Department of Education during the 2023-24 school year.

Our school is working hard with the district and the Tennessee Department of Education to increase student performance by discussing student progress in Reading Intervention monthly and adjusting, identifying students to participate in STEP after school tutoring, working with teachers to strengthen their understanding of state standards and effectively ways to fill in the gaps of understanding while continuing to strategically teach state standards. We also are providing teachers with more high-quality coaching to support implementation of best practices and daily monitoring of student mastery of small goals anchored in the standards.

We encourage you to help by participating in the development and implementation of our school improvement plan and/or our Family and Community Nights, Parent Teacher Conferences, and working with your child at home daily with letters, sounds, reading, comprehension, and math facts in addition/subtraction or multiplication/division.


Ms. Tersheia Hayes & Mrs. Leanne Chesney

Ms. Tersheia Hayes & Mrs. Leanne Chesney, DuPont Administration

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